Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Still Alive and Time

Yeah, I'm still alive, still kicking, just haven't written in months. I can't believe it's been almost five. Well, I have been busy. I was reading my daughter's blog about time. She mentioned something about having loads of time when the children are grown and away from home. HB and I have been in that boat for about fifteen years and I still don't have loads of it!

There's a full-time job, forty hours in four days (thank you Lord for an understanding boss who lets me work an alternative schedule) and HB, who likes more than a bowl of cereal for dinner, and Penny who wants to go out as soon as you sit down to read or study, then there's homework and writing to do. Oh, I forgot to mention housework! I'm thankful that a new house and a large one, helps in that we don't accumulate junk in heaps (well, except for in my office) and dusting, a little mopping and cleaning cabinets and counters, bathrooms, windows and mirrors, makes it shiny and clean and doesn't take a lot of time. But there's laundry and dishes. We have machines to do both those tasks, but somebody has to load and unload and then put away.

There's church and getting there early (which I love to do) and seeing my grandchildren (which makes the stress of 'not-enough time disappear). There's spending time with my mom, which I have been VERY lax at doing and I regret. And I love to read, so there is a stack in the library (uh-hmmmm) and maybe one at work and one in my briefcase and I try to read several at a time. On top of all that, first and foremost is prayer time and Bible study. Prayer - I do that all the time, all day long, but I have to admit (and repent) that Bible study has fallen woefully behind. I do go over my notes from Sunday sermons and the references, but even then, well, it deserves lots more.

Crazy Tri Mama has the answer - prioritizing. The truth is that we generally do what we want to do. I catch myself saying, 'well, this quarter is almost over and next quarter's schedule will be a little less stressful.' But the truth of the matter is that I haven't made a change in my thinking or priorities. Prioritizing is more than saying that I'll have more time tomorrow, because if I don't change my behavior, then even if I do knock off a task (a finished class project) I continue to run around crazy, not getting done what I want/need and complaining that I don't have time. If we could buy time at Wal-mart, we'd be even more wasteful.

Time is a precious commodity. Everyone gets the same amount in a day - twenty-four hours. True, some get more days than others, but time is only important or necessary in this earthly lifetime. God holds all time in His hands, the beginning and the ending, and when we go to Him, time won't be an issue. Jesus didn't start His earthly ministry until He was thirty and He finished His purpose in about three and a half years. Moses was forty years old when he left Egypt and he spent forty years on the backside of the desert before he returned to Egypt to free God's people. Caleb (my OT hero) was eighty years old when he told Joshua - 'give me that mountain!' He wasn't ready to sit down and take it easy when they finally got to go into the promised land, he put on his sword and took that mountain. And after that he made it flourish with crops and herds.

So, the test and the answer is to look at what is important. What adds value to God's kingdom, since we're to be working toward that on this earth anyway. Wow, that really puts a lot of things on the 'not so important' list. Prayer and Bible study will always be part of kingdom-building, witnessing to others should be a major priority. Reflecting the love of my Heavenly Father is a constant priority. Wow, I'm really seeing where I fall down! But I've experienced that when I devote time to these, all the other stuff will be in the right perspective.

So, Crazy Tri Mama - it doesn't really get any easier to prioritize. Just learn it now and don't forget it and when my beautiful grandchildren are off making us even more proud of them, you will fill in other things to take the place of the time you've spent with them, but you'll still need to practice what you learn today!

Important for us to remember is not to beat ourselves up because we don't get it all done in one day or one week. Remember - we need mercy for ourselves and we need to give it away!


Blogger crazy tri mama said...

once again trimama's mama has said it best, when all i did was just talk around it. thanks mama! love ya!

10:54 AM  
Blogger Donald said...

Yo' mama i'm bloggen again too!!!
your son, Donald

8:35 PM  

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