Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Being a Witness

There is a husband and wife who stand with a huge board near the capitol building across the street from where I work. On the board is written, "Do you want prayer?" I stopped to talk with them one day last fall because I was curious about their ministry. They were very friendly and I learned that their daughter attends the same church as I do, which, given the size of our city and the number of churches, really astounded me. They told me they've been doing this type of ministry for about five years. They talk to people, give out tracts, and pray for those who ask for prayer. There is nothing pushy about either of them, in fact, I've observed that they don't approach people, people come up to them. There is a lot of opportunity for ministry there because they stand at the crossroads of where all the busses in the city start/end their routes. Anyway, he was at our church this past Sunday evening and talked to us about evangelism.

When I left that meeting and was driving home, I began to think about the reasons that I don't witness to people. Some of the reasons I have are like most other Christians' reasons. I'm afraid I'll mess it up, won't say the right things, that people won't listen, or I don't know how to bridge a conversation to talk about Jesus. Trying to overcome all of that makes me feel uncomfortable and so I tell myself, "I'll just live my Christian life in front of people and they'll see and ask me about Jesus." Then I realized what Roger said was right, it is pride that has kept me from witnessing about Jesus.

I realized then, that I was placing the price I'd pay for moving out of my comfort zone, or looking foolish, or being rejected above the price which Jesus Christ paid in giving His life as a sacrifice for mankind. How could I call myself a Christian, ever! I had been placing more value upon my own comfort than upon the price He paid for every person who has lived, is living, or will ever live on this planet. I was pretty sickened at myself about it. It's no wonder so many people call so-called Christians 'hypocrits'! With that attitude, how could I think that anyone would be interested in Jesus, if He is not worth more than my own comfort!

So, I have an entirely new attitude about witnessing. I realize it's a command that all Christians do it - it's not only a suggestion. If God has given me so much through Christ Jesus, including being reconciled to Him through Jesus' blood, how could I NOT share it with other people. Everyone wants hope and joy, and in Christ is all the hope and joy of an eternity that begins here now. You see, the thing about the Heavenly Father is that we don't gain eternal life by the good things we do here. It is not a reward or demerit system, eternal life is a gift of God through Jesus Christ. Without a relationship with Him, people are going to hell, to be eternally separated from God.

Jesus called hell a place where 'the worm never dies' which speaks of the lusts and sin of our heart. He said there is 'gnashing of teeth'. Consider the worst frustration you have ever felt about something and multiply that by an eternity spent in not being able to be fulfilled. That will be hell.

One of the things I have run up against in the past when I have told people about Jesus is that they believe that 'all religions lead to God'. Well, the difference is that religions require something of the person, there are works involved in order to 'earn' rewards with the deity they call 'god'. But in Christ, there is nothing that I can do to change myself, to make myself clean enough to be reconciled to God.

My sins have separated me from God and so I need Someone who can bring me back to God. That's what Jesus does, He has done it already, there is nothing for me to do except give myself to Him, to ask Him to take over my life through His love in my heart and mind and emotions and my spirit; to forgive me of my sins and to wash me from unrighteousness. To be a Christian is to have a heart-relationship with Jesus Christ. In Him is all that we need.

So, it's one thing to write about Christ, but it is also my duty to tell others about Him as I go through my day. My comfort is of miniscule value compared to what He has to offer to the person who will yield their life to Him.

Have a great day and remember to get and to give Mercy!


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