Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Thirty-Seven Years!

H.B. and I have been married 37 years today! For the first time I am announcing that we did not finish the required Pre-Cana classes. Now, I don’t suppose that Father John Marquis is going to be reading this, but if anyone knows him, let me know how to reach him and we will confess to him personally.

Lack of Pre-Cana classes aside, we’ve had a good life together. There have been some rough spots and boulders to move around, but it has been quite an adventure so far. I can’t imagine my life any other way than with him. He has been my best friend, protector and provider through all these years. I know I make him crazy with all the questions I ask about everything and with burying myself in books and studying all the time, but he usually takes it in good stride. And I’ve learned to be patient about things, like no grass in the front yard (after two years) because he thinks I’m nagging when I say things like, ‘gee, dandelions don’t look so bad when there are so many of them clumped together!’

I marvel that a few weeks ago after I mentioned a few things that would be nice (one more time mowing around the grass track so I could walk Penny more easily and a vegetable garden that needed to be put in pretty quickly) and they were done by the time I got home from work.

I appreciate that we can still laugh with one another. I enjoy it when we’re working outside together and when he turns off the TV and we sit at the table and talk about anything. He has helped me understand what it means to have faith when everything (and everyone) is saying something differently. When he went through a life-threatening illness over twenty years ago, I saw what loneliness is. That’s also when I learned that he is most of my heart. Really, he is most of my heart. There’s the part that beats to keep my body functioning, but the main part is where he has become the cells, fiber and muscles that contain his smile and laughter and voice. Happy Anniversary H.B!


Blogger crazy tri mama said...

37 years without pre-cana? How is that possible?

1:45 PM  
Blogger Donald said...

Pre-cana???????? You "CANA", Have a Blessed anniversiry.
Your Son, Donald

5:46 PM  
Blogger Deborah said...

Yeah - 37 years w/o Pre-Cana! Imagine how good it would be WITH Pre-Cana! Still no word from Fr. Marquis and the one lead we thought we had about him ended at Colby College in Connecticut. Guess I'll visit the Diocese and see if they can find him. Confession is good for the soul, you know!

5:27 AM  

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