Sunday, August 19, 2007

Andrew's Version

Two-and-a-half year-old Andrew has his own version of what happened to the car last week. According to him, "the monster broke into Nana's car and Pa freaked. The monster ran back to his junk house and now Nana doesn't have enough money to give to the grocery lady."

I don't know where he comes up with this stuff. Today he told me (again) that he's a boy, then he added that he doesn't like girls. I told him that I was a girl, Ashley is a girl and so is his mama. He answered that we should sell Ashley in the yard sale.

One day he was riding his bike outside with his daddy. They live in a farm house surrounded by fields and it was planting season and the workers had left the large equipment by the barn. He got off his bike and told his daddy that he was going to climb on the tractor. When his daddy told him 'no', he said 'why not, I'm a guy?'

What a funny guy! And a story-teller like his sister and his cousin, Drew. Who knows, maybe they will all grow up to be authors and Alixandra will be their illustrator!


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